Photography by Austin Mallon

I'm lucky enough to live in a beautiful part of the country - The mole valley, nestled in the Surrey Hills.

Recently I've been studying mushrooms and fungi and that's really given my photography some purpose and focus.

I use photogroaphy to help me tune into the fine deatils of nature and the wonder it can inspire. I hope you enjoy the photographs.

A selection of Photographs

The view from Leith Hill over the weald looking at the south downs in the distance
The view from Leith Hill over the weald looking at the south downs in the distance.
A Bracket Fungus - the Birch polypore. In this case looking a little venerable.
A Bracket Fungus - the Birch polypore. In this case looking a little venerable.
Staring up at the canopy in my local woodland
Staring up at the canopy in my local woodland
The leaf of a fern catching the dappled sunlight
The leaf of a fern catching the dappled sunlight
Looking out over Dorking Toward London in the distance
Looking out over Dorking Toward London in the distance
Lichen growning on a branch
Lichen growning on a branch
A Rhododendron flower
A Rhododendron flower
The Blusher Mushroom - A close relative of the Fly Agaric
"The Blusher" Mushroom - A close relative of the Fly Agaric
A gourmet mushroom in the wild
The british Call it the penny bun, the French call it a cep, to the Italians it's a porcini. One thing everyone can agree on - it's delicious.
A medicinal mushroom in the wild
Trametes Versicolour - The turkeytail mushroom. Not great taste wise but yeah good for your gut biome if you make it into tea.
a view of trunks and undergrowth in a mixed forest
The magical woods of Relands in Surrey
a close up of the roots of a tree covered in moss with bluesbells growing around it in the summertime
A mossy tree with bluebells at its feet
looking up a hill along a path with nothing but blue skies and clouds at the top
A path into the clouds.